Our services.
Live Humane Bee Relocation
We have been relocating bees to our small farm for about 5 years. What started as a hobby quickly grew by word of mouth, leading us to relocating more bees through our hometown community. We use no chemicals and remove all wax and residue, leaving no mess for you to clean up. Fees can range from $100+ depending on where they are located, how long they’ve been there, and the time and supplies required which can vary.
We have a $25 estimate fee that will go towards your total if you choose to relocate with us, give us a call or text today!
Save Them, Don’t Spray Them!
“It’s just a swarm, they will leave on their own!”
Sure, that may bee true, but where will they move to?
Could be your roof, wall, shed floor, you name it. It is much safer and cheaper to relocate when it is just a swarm. They have no home or food to protect, we offer them a nice frame of honey and a comfy box to call home rather than somewhere on your property.
What happens if you spray them?
When you call a pest control company, they typically spray and leave you a mess, or they charge you even more for clean up. When bees have been sprayed, eventually that wax and residue left behind will begin to melt and grow mold. This can attract rodents, roaches, and other insects that will feed off the residue causing even more damage and long term issues to your home.
Call us today to book an appointment!